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Writer's pictureDavionne Dobson

Suicide Awareness & Prevention Month: A Call to Action

In honor of Suicide Awareness & Prevention month, we want anyone who is suffering in silence to know that you are not alone.

The Mindcare Team is here to pray for and with you. There is vital information below that can empower you to get help.

For those who are seeking to understand how to support a loved one who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, we want to share with you some practical guidance on approaching this highly sensitive and often misunderstood area of mental health straight from the Word of God and the best example known to mankind – the ministry of Jesus Christ.

As believers, we are called to walk in the light of Jesus’ love, remaining sober minded and vigilant concerning all aspects of other-centered care just as He would. (Hebrews 4:15, 16)

“A real friend loves you no matter what happens. What are brothers for if they can’t stick together in hard times?” (Proverbs 17:17 The Clear Word)

“The Spirit furnishes the strength that sustains striving, struggling souls in every emergency – amid the unfriendliness of relatives, the hatred of the world, and the realization of their own imperfections and mistakes. A union of divine and human endeavor, a close connection first, last, and ever, with God, the source of all strength – this is absolutely necessary.” RH, May 19, 1904. (HC 151) (MCP 70, 71)

Proactive Education Regarding Suicidal Thoughts & Ideations

1. What is a Suicidal Ideation?

  • A preoccupation with death, dying and suicide that varies in frequency and severity.

  • Thoughts that may or may not include a plan to take one’s own life.

2. Learn the difference between active and passive suicidal ideations.

  • ALL suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously, but knowing the differences can help you determine which course of action to take to support someone in crisis. For further information concerning what warning signs to look for in adults and teens, visit What is Suicide and Suicidal Behavior? | SAMHSA

  • Passive suicidal ideations refer to thoughts with no plan to carry out the act, most common among people who suffer with clinical depression and anxiety. This is the case when they are feeling down or in pain from ongoing chronic illnesses.

  • Active suicidal ideations mark the development of a plan to actually carry out the act. Warning signs would be persons who talk often about not wanting to continue living, who start to isolate or withdraw socially, stop participating in work/social events/activities, start tying up loose ends with relationships, or begin exhibiting an increase in risky behaviors or self-harm.

3. Understand that most suicidal people DO NOT want to die (Psalm 18:2).

  • To the person contemplating suicide, it is the only option they feel they have to stop their cycle of pain.

4. Learn the difference between intrusive suicidal thoughts versus actually being suicidal.

  • Intrusive suicidal thoughts are viewed as disruptive, frightening and unwanted – in other words, they are the unwelcome and pervasive thoughts of a person who fears losing control of their life. These thoughts are common amIntrusive suicidal thoughts are viewed as disruptive, frightening and unwanted – in other words, they are the unwelcome and pervasive thoughts of a person who fears losing control of their life. These thoughts are common among people who struggle with OCD and other mental disorders (Psalm 56:3).

  • Someone who is actively or passively suicidal is not afraid of their mode of thinking and may even exhibit a sense of relief when thinking this way.

5. Be empathetic and listen to understand. (Romans 8:26, 1 Corinthians 12:26)

  • Try to be mindful of your words, be careful not to preach, judge, criticize, or even to provide advice unless it is asked. Remind them that God loves them and that you love them, too. Pray with them and encourage them to pray along with you even if they cannot find the words . Remember that they are very likely struggling with feelings of worthlessness and that they are opening up to you because they trust you.

6. Ask questions and offer support. (Psalm 43:5, Psalm 42:11)

  • It is ok if you do not have all the answers; just keep the conversation going with your loved one in order to help them express more of their pain. Offer to connect your loved one to professional help. Assist them with putting together a safety plan to help with recognizing their warning signs, sharing their preferred coping skills and any important names, facilities and phone numbers that need to be written down in case of emergency.

7. Make sure to encourage the person you are supporting to seek help immediately.

  • Whether the thoughts are passive or intrusive, it is best to reach out for professional help. All such thinking indicates a deeper problem brewing beneath the surface that needs to be addressed. Speaking to a trained counselor can help to prevent the problem from getting worse. (Psalm 61:2)

8. Show that you care and that you are educating yourself about how best to support them.

  • Your loved one may be concerned about being hospitalized. Be aware that most trained and licensed therapists will always conduct a Risk Assessment to determine the nature of the thoughts and help the person struggling to know that having suicidal ideations will likely not be cause for a hospital stay. Building coping skills, a safety plan and helping to process the underlying traumas will be the goal to help your loved one get to a healthier mental state. (Psalm 10:17, Proverbs 3:5-8)

"When a crisis comes in the life of any soul, and you attempt to give counsel or admonition, your words will have only the weight of influence for good that your own example and spirit have gained for you. You must be good before you can do good...." --MB 127, 128 (1896)(2MCP 768.2)

“Be kind and courteous to one another as true brothers and sisters in the family of Christ, honoring each other above yourselves.” (Romans 12:10 The Clear Word)

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (I Peter 4:8-10)

“Two people are always better off than one because they can work together and enjoy each other’s company. If one of the falls, the other can help him up. But I pity the man who walks alone, because when he falls, he has no one to help him.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 The Clear Word)

Proactive ways to help yourself if you are battling suicidal thoughts and ideations

1. Don’t ignore your thoughts. Open up and share that you are struggling. (Proverbs 27:9)

  • Identify your safe people and ask them for what you need when you need it. These are people who are empathetic, non-judgmental and that have earned your trust. Feel free to ask them to just listen and not be quick to give advice unless you ask for it. (Proverbs 11:14, I Thessalonians 5:11)

2. Prepare a Mental Health Safety plan ahead of times of high distress. (Psalm 40:1, 2)

3. Decide what coping skills work for you and practice them daily. (Psalm 94:19)

  • Please take action while you are able -- don’t wait until your mind is in crisis mode.

4. Ask for professional help. (Psalm 34:17-19)

  • Call your Life Coach with Mindcare, check your insurance plan for resources or contact the 988 Mental Health emergency services helpline which provides access to a national crisis center 24/7/365.


Beloved – your life is precious, and it matters to us that you are here.

“Do not for a moment acknowledge Satan’s temptations as being in harmony with your own mind. Turn from them as you would from the adversary himself. Satan’s work is to discourage the soul. Christ’s work is to inspire the heart with faith and hope. Satan seeks to unsettle our confidence. He tells us that our hopes are built upon false premises rather than upon the sure, immutable word of Him who cannot lie.” –MS 31, 1911. (HC 85) (1MCP 32:2)

"Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with my right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]."(Isaiah 41:10)

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